August 24, 2012

Who Are You?

" Who are you, O great Mountain? "

Who are you doubt? Who are you fear? Who are you sickness? Who are you disease? Who are you lies of Satan? Who are you? 

Is anything too great for my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ? He is the One who took my sins and the sins of the world upon His own body to make me whole again. (1Peter 2:24) He is the One who defeated death. (Isaiah 25:7-8) 

Who are you shame, guilt and condemnation? Irrelevant! That's who you are. You don't matter. The blood of Jesus Christ has washed you away from my life. I stand in complete victory over you today.

"Who are you, O great mountain?" I'll tell you straight out who you are. Dust. Dust under my feet that the word of God continually washes away. (Esphesians 5:25-26)

Today I stand in victory over you so called "great mountains" because of what Jesus did for me on the cross.

Heavenly Father, who or what can come against You? No one and nothing. For You are greater than all things. For by Your will all things were created.
(John 1:3) Thank You Lord for giving me victory once I became Your beloved through faith in Jesus Christ. To God be glory and honor forever. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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